Replacement Glazing

Replacement Glass Units

Replacement Glazing

Whilst modern double an triple glazing offers super improvements to yesteryears single and double glazed options, through the use of inert gas fills, and innovative spacerbar technologies, they still, over time, breakdown which allows moisture - mist - to occur between the units. Whilst this doesn't significantly affect performance, it doesn't look great and spoils one of the main reasons we have windows - the view!

Double Glazed Hear Reflective Glass InfoGraphic

High Insulation, Low Emission

All of our glass units, be they double or triple glazed, have low-emission coatings on the sides protected between the sealed unit to help return energy to where it came from

They also benefit from an argon gas fill, and a modern energy efficient warm-edge composite spacerbar holding the units apart

Double and Triple Glazing

Even when replacing existing Double Glazed Units, it is often possible to upgrade to triple glazed - although sometimes the extra cost doesn't provide significant benefits, so it's not right for every situation

Replacement Double Glazing

Double Glazed

  • 24mm and 28mm Unit Options
  • Integral Blinds option
  • Best performance to price
  • Typically 2.8 times better thermal performance than old double glazing, and up to 5 times better than single glazed

Replacement Triple Glazing

Triple Glazed

  • 28mm, 32mm and 36mm Unit Options
  • Increase in heat retention compared to double glazed (typically 0.2u) when used in a 32mm or 36mm unit (compared to 28mm)
  • Improved sound reduction compared to double glazed
  • Lead decoration if required can be applied to the centre unit, making aging from weather and cleaning a thing of the past

Every glass unit at Heronhurst is always Toughened for your safety and security

How to get a quote on Replacement Glass Units

All of our replacement glass unit quotes are initially carried out remotely

Just send us a picture of the affected window or door, highlighting either on the photo or in the message which unit or units need replacing

Send this through to us on WhatsApp 07723 455659 

Alternatively upload via our Online App

We will always carry out a Technical Survey prior to manufacturing your replacement glass, so don't worry about pin point accuracy for this remote service - it helps keep costs down and service speed up. If you prefer a home visit for your Replacement Glazing Quotation, these are available from £75

Under Warranty?

If you purchased your installed Window or Door from us, and it is still under Warranty, you may qualify for a free replacement. Just check your original order confirmation for details of your cover, or get in touch if unsure, and we will be happy to help!

Learn more about our Warranty here

Thought about Blinds in Glass for your Replacement Glazing?

Replacement Glazing Blinds in Glass

You can often replace your existing glazing with our Blinds-in-Glass Replacement Glazing

Do away with dusty blinds


Or ask when you get your Quotation

Prefer an At-Home Quotation for Replacement Glass Units?

Online and remote quotes for Replacement Glass Units are always free